Hyvin nukkuneina ja voimia keränneinä kapusimme taas aamulla bandille. Voimakkaana kontrastina alkuyön kelien totaaliselle flopille bandi oli nyt täynnä asemia. 08 UTC tuli ensimmäiset mielenkiintoiset idit, mutta kelit oli vielä levällään coast to coast –asteikolla, mm. KNML-610 ja WXCN-1170 kuuluivat.
Tuntia myöhemmin koettiin yhdet parhaimmista IN-IL-MI –keleistä, joita osallemme on sattunut. Reilusta parituntisesta sessiosta käteen jäivät mm: WCPT-820, WGVS-850, WSBT-960, WKHM-970, WITY-980, WRTO-1200, WJRW-1340, WIOU-1350, WTIQ-1490 ja WILO-1570 – sekä gigoittain tallenteita läpikäytäväksi.
Lurkkien iltapäiväretkestä Inariin voitte lukea tarkemmin alkuviikon iltapäivälehdistä. Tässä nyt vaan todettakoon, mitä tahansa siellä sitten sanotaankin, että lehdistöllä tunnetusti on taipumusta vähintäänkin vahvaan liioitteluun, väärinkäsityksillä mässäilyyn, asioiden irroittamiseen konteksteista sekä vilkkaan mielikuvituksen käyttöön. Tässä tapauksessa todennäköisesti kaikkeen edellä mainittuun. Kaupassa asiointi onnistui vielä kohtuullisesti, mutta kampaamossa, kiropraktikolla ja mielentilatutkimuksessa tuli törmäiltyä sitäkin enemmän.
Suunniteltua huomattavasti lyhyemmäksi jääneen kokemuksemme perusteella kiropraktikko tarkoittaa ilmeisesti paremminkin harjaantunutta kiroilijaa. Kampaajasta ei sinänsä ole pahaa sanottavaa, mutta sakset niskassa pystyssä törröttävää lurkkia ei kannata lohduttaa tarjoamalla tarroja ja tikkareita.
Iltapäivän kruunasi vielä X-bandin-aussien voimakas nousu bandille 15 UTC jälkeen. Asemia kuului kaikilla X-bandin taajuuksilla hyvillä signaaleilla lähes Australian auringonnousuun asti viimeisten häipyessä bandilta vasta 17.45 UTC.
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Headline Stuff!
After well slept night with newly gathered strenght we climbed back to the saddle. After total flop of evening´s conditions the band was now full of stations. 08 UTC became the first interesting ID´s, but the conditions were still outstretched Coast to Coast, for example KNML-610 and WXCN-1170 were identified.
One hour later, we had one of the best IL-IN-MI- conditions, which we had ever had. The conditions lasted over two hours and we were able to identify: WCPT-820, WGVS-850, WSBT-960, WKHM-970, WITY-980, WRTO-1200, WJRW-1340, WIOU-1350, WTIQ-1490 and WILO-1570 - and of course many gigas of interesting recordings to go through.
You can read more about Lurx´s afternoon trip to Inari from the tabloids early next week. At this point we only want to say, what ever there might be told, that the press is well-know to have at least a strong tendency to exaggeration, deliberate misunderstandings, taking things out of their original context, and lively imagination. In this case, probably all of the above. Visit at the grocery went still reasonably well, but the salon, a chiropractor and the visit at the mental health doctors didn´t went so well.
Based on the experiences gathered on our considerably shorter than planned visit at a chiropractor, we think that chiropractor rather stands for "trained swearer" (this joke only opens up in Finnish language, sorry!). And basically we don´t have anything bad to say about the hairdresser, but when a Lurk has the scissors erected from the back of his neck, you might not want to comfort him by offering just stickers and lollipops.
Afternoon was crowned yet the strong rise of the X-Band-aussies after 15 UTC. There were stations in all X-band frequencies with good signals, almost until the local sunrise in Australia, the last ones faided out at about 17.45 UTC.
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Headline Stuff!
After well slept night with newly gathered strenght we climbed back to the saddle. After total flop of evening´s conditions the band was now full of stations. 08 UTC became the first interesting ID´s, but the conditions were still outstretched Coast to Coast, for example KNML-610 and WXCN-1170 were identified.
One hour later, we had one of the best IL-IN-MI- conditions, which we had ever had. The conditions lasted over two hours and we were able to identify: WCPT-820, WGVS-850, WSBT-960, WKHM-970, WITY-980, WRTO-1200, WJRW-1340, WIOU-1350, WTIQ-1490 and WILO-1570 - and of course many gigas of interesting recordings to go through.
You can read more about Lurx´s afternoon trip to Inari from the tabloids early next week. At this point we only want to say, what ever there might be told, that the press is well-know to have at least a strong tendency to exaggeration, deliberate misunderstandings, taking things out of their original context, and lively imagination. In this case, probably all of the above. Visit at the grocery went still reasonably well, but the salon, a chiropractor and the visit at the mental health doctors didn´t went so well.
Based on the experiences gathered on our considerably shorter than planned visit at a chiropractor, we think that chiropractor rather stands for "trained swearer" (this joke only opens up in Finnish language, sorry!). And basically we don´t have anything bad to say about the hairdresser, but when a Lurk has the scissors erected from the back of his neck, you might not want to comfort him by offering just stickers and lollipops.
Afternoon was crowned yet the strong rise of the X-Band-aussies after 15 UTC. There were stations in all X-band frequencies with good signals, almost until the local sunrise in Australia, the last ones faided out at about 17.45 UTC.
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