Taas lähtivät jenkit kuulumaan aikaisin maanantai-iltana – lähinnä ontariolaisia bandilla klo 21 UTC. Myöhemmin kuuluivat mm. WJML-1110, WSOO-1230, WPNW-1260 ja KMSR-1520.
Aamulla kelit totutusti lähinnä järvillä, mutta ”mukavasti” levällään koko mantereen leveydellä: KJJQ-910, WMAC-940, KJOC-1170, WVHI-1330, WVEI-1440, WPRS-1440, WBGX-1570 ja japanilaisista JOID NHK-2, Oita-1467 (jo toinen identifioitu japanilainen!!!!).
Tänä vuonna juhlistimme itsenäisyyspäivää hyvän aterian parissa. Tarjolla oli patagonialaisen härkäsammakon kutua nahkakuulapedillä ja juomana oli itsenäisyyspäivän kunniaksi kotimainen mukavan tulinen Carlake Flammable Special vm 2009. Tästä oli ”industrial crap” kaukana!
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Go Finland!
Again the conditions started early Monday evening - mainly stations from Ontario at 21 UTC. Later on for example WJML-1110, WSOO-1230, WPNW-1260 and KMSR-1520.
In the morning the conditions were as usual at the Lakes, but "nicely" spread across the continent KJJQ-910, WMAC-940, KJOC-1170, WVHI-1330, WVEI-1440, WPRS-1440, WBGX-1570 and Japanese JOID NHK-2, Oita-1467 (second identified Japanese station!!!!).
This year we celebrated our National Independence Day with a good meal. We had Patagonian Bull Frog´s Spawn on leather ball bed and for drinks we had nicely fiery domestic Carlake Flammable Special 2009. Something totally else than industrial crap!
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Go Finland!
Again the conditions started early Monday evening - mainly stations from Ontario at 21 UTC. Later on for example WJML-1110, WSOO-1230, WPNW-1260 and KMSR-1520.
In the morning the conditions were as usual at the Lakes, but "nicely" spread across the continent KJJQ-910, WMAC-940, KJOC-1170, WVHI-1330, WVEI-1440, WPRS-1440, WBGX-1570 and Japanese JOID NHK-2, Oita-1467 (second identified Japanese station!!!!).
This year we celebrated our National Independence Day with a good meal. We had Patagonian Bull Frog´s Spawn on leather ball bed and for drinks we had nicely fiery domestic Carlake Flammable Special 2009. Something totally else than industrial crap!
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